on call assist

We’re here to help

Our hardworking team is here to help you accomplish your goals!

  • We’re highly skilled

  • Monday-Friday: 9AM-5PM
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed

We only charge $9 per hour.

Their working hours will be monitored by Hubstaff and we’ll bill you through it.

Weekly salaried. Filipinos like it better and we find most employers business success rate increases faster with salaried instead of hourly.

A cultural trait of the Philippines is honesty. Obviously not everyone is honest, so you would trust the workers just like you would with a local worker. At first, have them do non-sensitive tasks until you build a relationship of trust, and then later you can give them more access

Different employers do different things. We’ll track their working hours using Hubstaff. You can also use your own monitoring tool to track productivity.

None. These are overseas sub-contactor. You don’t have to deal with taxes but you need to consult your accountant.

on call assist

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